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Mission Statement:

The Lincoln High School and Humanities/Communications Magnet & Early College Social Studies Department is dedicated to developing skilled, knowledgeable, and concerned citizens of the community, nation, and world. 


It is essential for our department and for our teachers to possess a vision that extends social understanding and civic awareness to each student we encounter. As social studies teachers, we are driven to use social studies education to empower all of our students so that they can see the connection between social studies and their lives. We want to create better citizens who can function as contributors in a free nation. By giving of ourselves to make a better society, we hope that each of us, as teachers, is willing to lead our students and develop their understanding so that they can understand the influences of the past and make a better tomorrow. Our curriculum provides students with the knowledge, skills and understanding to become a better student, a better leader and a better citizen.


We want all of our students to display the following:

    Our students (should) read effectively, comprehend what they read, write clearly, engage in conversations with one another, listen to each other, be problem-solvers, ask questions and seek answers, respect the world in which they live and make others around them better.



Enduring Understandings:

Upon completion of the districts social studies curriculum, students should understand that:

  • Critical thinking is essential for making informed decisions and developing significant ideas.
  • Where we live and how we live affect who we are.
  • Learning about ourselves and others, past and present, allows us to effectively interact in a global society.
  • Culture is both a product and a producer of the values and ideas of a society and its people.
  • The success of our democratic society depends on the responsible actions of its citizens.